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Sabine Figge    1.084
Sabine Figge

Der Kork ist toll! Das Material lässt sich super verarbeiten. 

Kunstleder dazu wär nicht so meins, ich würde ihn eher mit Canvas zusammentun - würde mir strukturmäßig besser gefallen.

Die kleine Tasche habe ich mit 90er Universalnadel und Knopflochseide in 3er Stichlänge abgesteppt, alle nicht sichtbaren Nähte mit feiner Microtexnadel und normalem Allesnäher, 2,5er Stichlänge.


  • Gefällt mir. 2

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Charlesquems    0

Martial arts is very pertinent for
every person to continue to exist
full of
life and
Martial Arts institute
guides moral code and
deliver active living to
develop kids for giving the best in life.
Let them know how martial arts will
benefit them for
really long time and why selecting
us is the worthwile investment they can carry
My martial arts class is a specialized martial arts class in Henderson Nevada, that focuses on teaching adults and kids how to guard their self and discover excellent talents quickly. We are a
devote collection of martial arts masters who need to use karate and many forms of karate to develop character building habits so they can achieve self-reliance and a professional mindset.

My Karate schedule is custom mixture of foremost skill set of AMA to help defend yourself and others.
The initial foundation is AMA Karate, initially formed by Karate Masters, it is a class that is about timed defenses and attacks as well as specialized counter offensive methods. During the time our members and teen agers and grades k through 5 study traditional karate classes around Paradise NV, the staff and students use concepts including discipline, politeness, humility as well as including positive skills sets. By challenging the legs, arms and energy field, our teachers educate the students to incorporate these skills around and inside the dojo (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) we train a very important way of existance which fosters themselves get beyond all rough parts of life as the students progress to an expert. If you needs to learn more take a gander at this Karate school website:best kid activities in las vegas in 89119

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