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Charlesquems    0

Portrait photography has always had a exceptional cornerstone in our daily life. As a youngster  you would locate myself with a thirty five mm massive camera in my hands snapping photos of my favorite childhood friends and plants, and the mesmerizing local color within the wee ocean locale off the northern Virginia coastal port where my friends and I grew up. This thing my dad taught me blossomed into a passionate skill of a guru which I merged my life with, perusing editorial pictures, paintings and outdoor photoshoots in my 20's.  Afterwards, I began putting together a very intricate advertising career strategy where remarkable notions and enriching energies had already started to take shape and show about my wedding photo jobs. Now I am a always exhibited and prize taking Seattle Headshot popular photographer and travel about the complete the USA as well as all of Washington. I am also a part-time Seattle Washington business Photographer. If you get a chance check out my coveted website to learn more about my love: Tacoma Commercial Photographer

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