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Hans    0

Hallo ich besitze eine Husquarna 1070. Nun ist es so sobald man sie einschaltet beginnt sich die Nadel zu laufen, ohne das man das Pedal betätigt. Woran könnte das liegen?

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Näheule    672

Es gibt Nähmaschinen die durch betätigen einer Taste ohne Pedal nähen. Vielleicht ist bei dir diese Taste aktiviert. Schau doch bitte in der Maschinen Beschreibung ob da vielleicht so eine Taste beschrieben wird.

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Charlesquems    0

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Charlesquems    0

headshots has especially assumed a quantified position in my regimen. As a teenager  someone could locate myself with a 35mm Cannon camera in my posession taking shots of my childhood friends and family, and the beautiful local color about the smallish ocean city in the north Virginia oceanside where my sister and I went to school. The hobby morphed of a much admired long sought skill that I pursued, digesting wedding portraiture and natural photoshoots in college.  After, I initiated creating a highly sought advertising life plan in which enigmatic momentum and character building energies had already began to become apparent and become visible within my photography jobs. For the foreseeable future I am forever a continually published and prize taking Seattle Based Wedding popular photographer and service all United States as well as all of Portland. I am also a highly sought Washington state salon Photographer. When you get a chance share my new site to learn some more about my work: rust manor wedding photos

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