JohannaJohanna 0 Beitrag melden Geschrieben 17. August 2020 Hallo ihr Lieben, habe ein Problem mit einem unteilbaren Reißverschluss. Dieser sitzt in einem Kostüm und ich wollte aus ästethischen Gründen den Reißverschluss gerne wie einen Nahtverdeckten einnähen. Da er aber sehr dick ist (Metall) sieht das jetzt unten blöd aus (siehe Foto). Hat jemand eine Idee wie das besser aussehen könnte ohne dass ich da sichtbare Nähte drin habe? Danke an alle und einen wunderbaren Abend. LG, Johanna Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen
Charlesquems 0 Beitrag melden Geschrieben 28. Dezember 2022 Martial arts is extremely significant for children to carry on being active and reliable. Ageless Martial Arts institute schools moral sense and practices practical knowledge to develop kids for transcending in life. Make them aware how martial arts will aid them for long-run and why preferring us is the good investment they can practice. Our karate school is a new Karate class in Henderson Nevada, which focuses on teaching members and kids a way to protect their self and learn wonderful abilties gradually. We are a talented team of karate instructors that want to use karate as well as different forms of defense to strengthen character creation habits so they can develop inner strength and a professional frame of mind. The AMA schedule is custom mixture of top ideas of AMA to help protect ones self. The primary foundation is Karate, initially founded by a Shoulin Monk, it is a regimen that is primarily about on the spot personal defense and offensive maneuvers and distinct countering skills. During the time the members and young adults and children enroll in Karate around Henderson Nevada, the staff infuse skills such as self control, manners, respect as well as many affirmative skills sets. By challenging the legs, arms and energy field, our teachers give skills to the new members in order to use this outside and about the dojo (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) we train a very important class of being which helps the diciples pass above some difficult parts of living while the disciples transition to a karate master. If you needs to learn more take a look at this blog:ohana kenpo karate las vegas benny luna in Paradise Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen