Meili 0 Beitrag melden Geschrieben 22. Juni 2020 Hallo liebe Nähfreunde, ich möchte für mein noch ungeborenes Baby eine Spieluhr in Eisbär Form nähen und bin deshalb auf der Suche nach einem Schnittmuster für ein Eisbär-Kuscheltier. Über die Google-Suche bin ich in beiden oben genannten Simply Nähen Heften fündig geworden, doch leider sind beide vergriffen und nicht mehr bestellbar. Deshalb würde ich mich freuen, wenn ich hier jemanden finden würde, der mir eines der beiden Hefte gern verkaufen würde. Liebe Grüße, Meili Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen
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Charlesquems 0 Beitrag melden Geschrieben 1. Januar 2023 Martial arts is very pertinent for kids to live fresh and devoted. Ageless Martial Arts Las Vegas edify moral principles and instructs active living to make up kids for making everything perfect in life. Inform them how martial arts will reward them for long-term and why choosing us is the better investment they can do. Ageless karate school is a new self defense class in Paradise Nevada, which is about instructing parents and kids the ways to guard themselves and learn important life skills quickly. We are a compassionate team of martial arts teachers who desire to use karate as well as many forms of karate to develop personality building exercises so they can attain inner strength and a protection mindset. Our AMA curriculum is top pick and blend of primary skill set of martial arts to assist in defending ones self. Our important corner stone is Karate, initially started by a Shoulin Monk, it is an art which is concerned with timed self protection and attacks as well as distinct proactive defense techniques. As our members and teens and children learn Karate near Henderson Nevada, the staff and students incorporate ideas like discipline, politeness, respect and including positive self awareness. While exercising the legs, arms and spirit, our teachers educate the students in order to use this around and inside the classroom (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) our staff instill a different class of thinking which helps the students pass past some difficult apsects of life as the disciples transition to a karate master. If you want to learn more take a look at my website:martial arts las vegas by 89014 Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen