
Ein Klickgeräusch und keine saubere Naht

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iManta    0

Hallo ihr Lieben!

Seit kurzem besitze ich eine Pfaff expression 710.

nachdem bei einem kleinen Projekt die Maschine etwas faden eingezogen hatte, habe ich die oberen Teile abgemacht um die Fäden rauszunehmen. 
Ich habe es zusammen gebaut und sollte eigentlich alles in Ordnung sein. Anschließend habe ich weiter genäht. 
jedoch immer wieder kommt es jedoch mit komischen“Klicks“ und danach ist die Naht nicht sauber. Und die Rückseite zerfetzt. 
kennt das jemand?

bitte um Hilfe. 


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Näheule    672

Bitte versuche es mit einer neuen Nähmaschinennadel. Ich habe keine Paff Nähmaschine, dennoch hatte ich mit meinen Modell auch so ein Klicken beim Nähen, es hat sehr lange gedauert bis ich mein Problem gefunden habe. Vielleicht ist bei dir das Gleiche.

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Charlesquems    0

headshots has forever taken a timely spot in my wife's MO. On the weekends  you could locate myself holding a thirty-five millimeter telephoto camera in hand taking pictures of my buddies and plants, and the exceptional land a part of the smallish port town in the Maryland coastal town where my sister and I went to highschool. The thing my cousin taught me grew with time into a much admired skill of a guru which I assumed, digesting newspaper pictures and fashion photography in my twentys.  Not long after, I began drafting a demanding advertising business in which beautiful notions and character building vibes had already began to flower and shine out all around my photography jobs. Now I continue to be a full-time exhibited and award winning Seattle Headshot affordable Photographer and can be found in the complete Washington and all of Seattle. I am also a highly sought Washington state salon Photographer. Please have a look at my precious website in order to find out some more about my business: early mountain vineyards wedding

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Charlesquems    0

Photography has always taken a fulfilling cornerstone in my life. In Junior High  everyone could find myself holding a thirty five mm massive camera on me taking momentos of my favorite childhood and family, and the green places a part of the smallish inlet city in the Chesapeake bay front where my brother and I went to elementary school. This sport grew laterally into a fine skill of a master that I became one with, studying newspaper portraiture and scenic photoshoots in the university.  Afterwards, I began creating a busy photography career plan filled with beautiful momentum and character building vibes had already began to become apparent and shine out throughout my wedding photo work. This day I continue to be a continually referenced and prize taking Seattle Washington Headshot Photographer and can be found in all around Washington and all of North Carolina. I am also a regularly used Seattle salon Photographer. Also look at my website in order to discover extra about my work: Bainbridge Island Headshot Photographer

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