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Hermine    0


Für mein nächstes Kostüm würde ich gerne so ein Rock anfertigen. Kann mir jemand erklären wie man so einen Tüllrock näht/bastelt? 


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Sakuko    239

Ich vermute ähnlich wie in den Video, nur das die Tüllstreifen am Ende verknotet wurden, statt sie frei hängen zu lassen. Und wahrscheinlich mit mehr als einer Lage.

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Charlesquems    0

farm wedding photography has indefinitely assumed a special place in my life. As a youngster  you would search myself holding a thirty-five millimeter professional camera in my hands taking shots of my childhood and family gatherings, and the one of a kind scenes lending to the smallish inlet city off the north Virginia port where my relatives and I went to elementary school. This fun time grew in time laterally into a finite money making hobby which I grew with, perusing journal pictures, paintings and scenic photoshoots in the latter part of my education.  not long afterwards, I began putting together a highly sought wedding photography career plan filled with beautiful nudges and adventurous energies started to flower and show within my outdoor work. Today I will always be a always published and award winning Seattle Located Headshot popular photographer and am employed all about Washington and international destinations. I am also a booked Seattle WA real estate Photographer. Please skip over to my blog in order to learn more about my love: Seattle Wedding Photographer

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