Sabine Figge

Für ein Lutherkonzert

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Sabine Figge    1.084
Sabine Figge

... durfte ich der Chorleiterin etwas in Anlehnung an den spätmittelalterlichen Stil nähen.

Das hellblaue, das sie auf dem Bild leider ohne den Gürtel trägt, da sie zum Abschluss noch die Orgel gespielt hatte.



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Charlesquems    0

headshots has for a long time dedicated a remarkable position in our regiment. As a teenager  you could locate myself in hand with a thirty five mm professional camera in hand taking momentos of my best childhood and family, and the one of a kind land about the small inlet place in the Virginia oceanside where my mother and I grew up. The skill morphed into a fine expertise which I grew with, scanning article pictures and design photoshoots in my 20's.  Afterwards, I began assimilating a important photography career in which beautiful changes and enriching energies had already started to appear and become visible inside my wedding photo jobs. For the foreseeable future I continue to be a full time referenced and award winning Destination Wedding Photographer and can be found in the complete Maryland as well as all of Portland. I am also a full time Seattle WA business product Photographer. Also check out my blog to discover more about my work: rust manor house wedding

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