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tanne79    63

Ich musste doch glatt mal das Eierkörbchen testen. Wird morgen zum Geburtstag verschenkt.


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Sybille Dreyer    934
Sybille Dreyer

Schön geworden. Osterdeko nähe ich nicht mehr, Sohn ist "groß" und uns langt unser Osterstrauß in der Vase mit Deko.

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Charlesquems    0

Photography has always assumed a timely cornerstone in my wife's my hobby life. on Holidays  you would find myself possessing a 35mm huge camera in hand taking momentos of my best childhood friends and family gatherings, and the beautiful local color about the wee oceanic town off the north Carolina bay front where my family matured. The sport grew slowly into a much admired technical expertise that I merged my life with, digesting editorial pictures, paintings and outdoor photography in the latter part of my life.  Not long after, I initiated forging a busy marketing life plan in which elegant momentum and life enhancing vibes began to flower and shine out about my photography work. Now and for the future I am a full-time published and prize taking Seattle Wedding popular photographer and cover all about Seattle and all of North Carolina. I am also a in demand Seattle Washington Commercial marketing Photographer. If you get a chance share my coveted website to learn more about my work: Seattle Wedding Photographer

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