
Log cabin - das 1. Teil aus dem Quilt-Kurs

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luzu    360

Hallo, ich möchte gerne etwas zeigen. Das 1. Teil aus meinem Patchwork und Quiltkurzs ist fertig. Die Technik heisst Log Cabin und ich habe ein Kissen daraus gemacht. Es hat viel Spaß gemacht.


  • Gefällt mir. 2

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lila    54

Rasterquick kann man als Hilfsmittel beim Patchworken super verwenden . Ist ein Vliese was kleine Karo´s aufgedruckt hat . Das erleichtert das Nähen ungemein . Ich hab das kennen gelernt als ich vor vielen Jahren mit dem Patchworken begonnen habe . 


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luzu    360

Nein, das habe ich nicht verwendet. Ich habe 4 cm breite Streifen aus den Stoffen geschnitten, diese dann immer angenäht und passend abgeschnitten.

War eigentlich ganz easy :)

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Charlesquems    0

Martial arts has great deal of importance for big and small to endure the best and stay energetic and purposeful. Ageless Martial Arts show moral and instructs active living to bring kids for being finer in life. Respond to them how martial arts will assist them for really long time and why appointing us is the solid investment they can make. My martial arts class is a traditional Karate school in vegas, which focuses on teaching old people and kids the ways to protect themselves and discover amazing life skills quickly. The instructors are a devoted team of karate teachers who desire to incorporate martial arts as well as different forms of defense to develop character creation exercises in order to attain inner strength and a protection frame of mind. The martial arts curriculum are novel mixture of basic skill set of Karate to help protect ones self. The initial base is AMA Karate, initially formed by a Shoulin Monk, it is an art which is concerned with timed overall defense and attacks and specialized countering skill sets. During the time the students and teens and children study Karate around Paradise NV, we practice skills including self control, manners, humility and many positive personal control. By challenging the legs, arms and spirit, our instructors teach the students to use this outside and about the classroom (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) our staff instill a different type of being which helps the students pass above any tough phases of life while the students develop to master of martial arts. If you needs to discover more have a look at this website for karate kids:israeli martial arts las vegas near 89120

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