
Ideen für Arbeitsshirts

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Lupy    33


ich habe eine neue Arbeitsstelle begonnen, wir bekommen Blusen als Arbeitskleidung gestellt, die sind jedoch kurzärmelig und für den Winter könnte das dezent frisch werden. Allerdings sitzen die auch recht eng und ich bin jetzt auf der suche nach schnitten für Oberteile mit Dreiviertelärmeln die da drunter passen könnten. die Blusen sind ähnlich wie folgende 214_00_C_lb.jpg 

nur in schwarz und aus etwas dickerem Stoff. da ich mit Drei Kindern auch nimmer die schönste Figur hab, wird das so oder so ne Herausforderung, zuviel Stoff darf da also nicht drunter sein, sonst seh ich gleich aus als würde ich das vierte Kind erwarten. :/

Habt ihr Ideen was da passen könnte? 

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Sakuko    239

Plantain Shirt

Das hier hab ich schon ein paar mal genäht, sitzt recht spack, besonders auch an den Ärmeln und der Ausschnitt ist tief, also sieht man ihn auch wahrscheinlich unter dem Shirt nicht mehr


  • Danke 1

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Charlesquems    0

Ciao everyone. My friends and I are delighted to have found the guidance here. I’ve been stripping my files for this info for a long time and I will be sure to tell my followers to stop by. The other morning I was thumbing through the highest rated sites trying to find a resolution to my staggering questions. Now I am hoping to take great care in whatever form I can. We are getting all pickled out on the omens we are observing. Moreover, I just wanted to thank you tremendously for such incredible information. This has shifted me out of a tough situation. Many bittersweet creations are happening in my world. Its really a sure community to make new friends. I’d also add that I am into. when you get a chance, take a look my newly created business site:historic william paca house and garden near me Naples FL

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Charlesquems    0

Martial arts is particularly important for
old and young to continue to exist
passionate and
Martial Arts institute
apprise ethical
motives and
exercises active life skills to
prepare kids for advancing in life.
Make them aware how martial arts will
boost them for
long period of time and why preferring us is the worthwile investment they can bring about.
Ageless Martial Arts is a new self defense center in vegas, that focuses on teaching old people and kids the ways to defend themselves and discover wonderful life skills along the way. The instructors are a
excellent collection of martial arts teachers that need to use karate and other forms of martial arts to develop personality creation habits in order to attain self-reliance and a black belt frame of mind.

My Karate schedule is top pick and blend of most important array of AMA to assist in defending others and yourself.
The primary foundation is AMA Karate, originally founded by Gichin Funakoshi, it is an art that is concerned with situational defenses and attacks and distinct counter offensive techniques. During the time the members and young adults and children learn Karate around Paradise Nevada, our teachers incorporate skills including discipline, politeness, humility and including positive personal control. By testing the mind, arms and spirit, our teachers educate the students to incorporate these skills around and inside the dojo (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) our staff develop a different type of holding ones self which helps the diciples get above the tough apsects of life while the disciples transcend to a master. If you would like to discover more have a look at my las vegas karate school website:free self defense classes las vegas around Henderson

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