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PetraB    22


gestern konnte ich ein Word-Dokument mit einer (eigenen) Nähanleitung hochladen. Das ist auch immer noch bei meinen Dateien zu sehen. Jetzt wollte ich nochmals einen Beitrag schreiben und ein Word-Dokument dazu hochladen, aber es sind scheinbar nur noch Bild-Dateien erlaubt?

Bin ich blind? :-)

Viele Grüße


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Charlesquems    0

farm wedding photography has indefinitely dedicated a special cornerstone in our MO. As a youngster  anyone could locate me possessing a thirty-five millimeter professional camera in hand taking shots of my relatives and a few weddings, and the luscious places making up the small port locale in the Chesapeake oceanside where my relatives and I were raised. The fun time grew slowly into a much admired skill that I grew with, perusing magazine pictures and clothing photography in my teenage and young adult life.  Not long after, I started paving a highly sought photography career strategy filled with contrasting changes and character building energy had already started to appear and shine out about my outdoor work. For the foreseeable future I am forever a full-time referenced and award winning Destination Wedding Photographer and can be found in the entire Washington as well as all of Oregon. I am also a sought out Washington state salon Photographer. If you get a chance skip over to my site to discover extra about my business: Seattle Commercial Photographer

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